Our Favorite Spring Teas

Spring has not yet sprung in Montana. Yes, the sun is stronger and there are more hours of light in the day, but here in Bozeman, we received 2 feet of snow on the night of March 24th. Needless to say, we are pining away for green. Green grass, green leaves, ANYTHING green, please! Do you sense the long winter’s anguish? So what do we do while waiting for the snow to melt, the daffodils and crocus to pop up, and the single track trails to dry out? We reach for teas that remind us that Spring in the Rocky Mountains means patience and preparation. The song birds will return, the grass will green up, the leaves will unfurl. We tune up our bikes, prep our fishing gear, dust off the kayaks and some times even shovel the snow off campers to take advantage of camping on that first warm weekend. We make room on our shelves for teas that have floral, grassy, sweet and fruity notes and remind us that the return of long days spent outside are just around the corner.  

These are our favorite teas to welcome Spring:

No 12 Meadowlark - This bright black tea blend has bits of papaya, apricot, and peaches as well as flower petals and vanilla. A great morning cup of tea to drink while waiting for the Spring arrival of the meadowlark’s cheerful song to return to the open plains and prairies.

No 19 Rose Petal - This sweet and floral black tea blend is wonderfully aromatic. Make sure to sniff the bag when you first open it and be transported to a favorite flower garden of your memory.

No 28 Jasmine Harmony - What says Spring more than green and flowers? This blend is a unique combination of lavender, jasmine, lemon myrtle and green tea. We recommend drinking this in the afternoon with a flaky pastry.

No 38 Japanese Sencha - The grassiest green tea in our collection, this Sencha is sure to get you ready for the smell of green grass and load you up with all the helpful catechins and antioxidants that  green teas provide.

No 42 White Peony - This is a light, fluffy full-leafed white tea that brews up delicate, sweet and floral. A perfect cup to welcome Spring.

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